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Technologies are constantly being developed and improved, thus influencing other fields of human endeavor, including business, marketing, healthcare, education, etc. More and more companies are beginning to work on strategies and ways to start the digital transformation in their companies. Some of the companies have already started implementing digital technologies to stay in the top ranks in the field.

The latest commercial, technological and marketing trends make it inevitable that companies begin a process of digital transformation. The digital transformation of a company means the implementation of digital solutions in its systems. There are a number of technologies that are already used and change the image of the business world. Among these technologies, there are IoT (Internet of things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (Machine Learning), AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality), Cloud Computing, Blockchain. All of them improve the workflow of the company, its organization, communication, and the provision of services to customers.

The business process of digital transformation cannot be done overnight. It takes a lot of time and resources, however, the results are worth it. The implementation of technologies can bring many advantages for the company, its collaborators, and clients.

The Advantages of digital transformation:

The reorganization of internal and external processes due to the transformation of the digital company will have certain benefits for companies that adopt the changes.

We are going to highlight the 5 main advantages of digital transformation for companies.


Automation of processes due to digital transformation will lead to greater overall company efficiency. Technologies such as AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine learning) can process data quickly, provide better information, which provides the possibility for the company to provide more efficient services to customers.


The implementation of smart technology solutions that support the digital transformation of companies leads to better productivity. The solutions will help you automate certain processes within the company by minimizing manual work, reducing costs, facilitating the work of employees, and improving service delivery. For example less manual work will result in fewer errors, which will lead to better company services.


When the company begins its digital transformation process, it is important to keep everyone informed and dedicate time to training employees. Everyone needs to know about the changes within the system and be able to do the job properly. Improving the skill set of your employees will motivate them to work better, give them the opportunity to show their creativity and share their innovative ideas. By educating staff, the company first adds value to its services, offers better facilities, and increases customer satisfaction.


The advantages mentioned above result in better customer satisfaction and a high-quality experience. The better services you provide, the more customers will return to using your services on a regular basis. Transparent transactions and fast delivery of services are what customers expect from businesses. Using technology solutions properly to your advantage will help you attract more customers.


As a result, digital transformation will help you increase revenue. It is possible thanks to the reduction of costs spent on business maintenance, automation of processes, and a better customer experience.

These benefits are the best, but their number is greater and we can also highlight greater security for both the company and its customers. Among them are better resource management; promotion of digital culture; possibility to create digital products/services; more efficient data analysis, etc. Businesses that thrive to reap all of these digital transformation benefits must create a detailed business digital transformation strategy.


A strategy is an essential part of every process. If there is no solid strategy approved by all parties involved or it is not shared with all departments of the company, consider that you failed in the digital transformation of the company.

A successful strategy consists of the following elements:

Idea: If there are no ideas, there are no changes. If you want to keep the company a leader in the field, survive the competition, or maintain a successful reputation, you must have the idea of ​​promoting digital transformation processes. Analyze the current state of things, the market, your position in it, and think of ways to improve your business.

Full Participation – Once you have a clear and defined idea, it’s time to share it with the board and get all departments involved in the process. Listen to their ideas, take them into consideration and together develop the most suitable scheme for the digital transformation of the company. As a result, everyone must know their role in the process, responsibilities, and work consistently to achieve the desired results.

Change: If you are on the path of digital transformation, a company should be ready to change every day. Transformation requires constant analysis of the processes and data received to improve services and find new opportunities for the business.

Once the company has a business digital transformation strategy, it is time to build a roadmap to achieve the expected objectives. It is a unique plan that will coordinate the company on its path to digital transformation.

In general, carrying out a digital transformation in the company can be seen as a difficult project that requires a lot of time and resources, but as we can see, it has a number of benefits. These changes will improve the work of employees, provide better services to customers and, as a result, generate more revenue for the company. Business leaders must wisely plan a strategy for the organization, describe each step that must be taken, think about the possible results to be successful with the transformation process. The road is quite long and requires a lot of effort, but it is a form of future prosperity and a chance to survive the ongoing competition.

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