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SEO Copywriting is a technique that combines writing with SEO positioning. The concept is to generate texts that have value both for the reader and for the search engines.

If your texts, in addition to adapting to all SEO factors, have an interesting style and use resources that capture the attention of readers, the chances that the content you produce will be positioned in the first places is doubled, bringing more traffic and results!

Attraction strategies are classics in the Digital Marketing universe and are much more than a simple option, as they represent a powerful commercial and strategic weapon, as is the case with SEO Copywriting.

So that you can polish your ability to produce captivating and captivating texts, stay until the end! Here we will tell you everything you need about this practice and about the art of writing well in general.

What does it mean to write well in SEO?

Writing well also means knowing how to adapt our style to what the context and user behavior demand on the web, and that is why SEO Copywriting is so important.

The content of the blog is different from an article in a magazine or an information medium, not only because of the language but also because of the way the information is transmitted.

The rule is very simple and records it forever: if you want to attract you have to be interesting. That is copywriting, creating texts that are relevant and eye-catching; we are poets wanting to capture the attention of our buyer persona.

To stand out and attract readers interested in our relevant information we use techniques, tricks, and tricks; we are magicians of the word and today is your lucky day: we are going to tell you all the secrets!

What is SEO Copywriting and what is it for?

SEO Copywriting is the technique of developing literary content optimized for search engines on the web.

In practice, it is about understanding other semantics that is linked to search engines; it is like initiating an emotional bond with artificial intelligence and with the human reader at the same time.

For example, imagine how much text with well-managed titles makes it easier for a bot. Bots have feelings too, and they will thank you with the top spots in the SERPs.

So, literature and SEO are the perfect allies to generate the essence of Inbound Marketing: attracting leads. One allows you to catch the buyer persona and the other makes you relevant to Google and the rest of the engines.

Moving on in the matter, the texts we write are distributed on blogs, and this is where our main affection comes into the world of marketing: Content Marketing.

SEO copywriting – or simply copywriting – are the basis of the strategies of this type of marketing and then we are going to explain how they interact.

The relationship between Content Marketing and SEO Copywriting

In Content Marketing strategies, the idea is to maintain and develop a blog on the central theme of our business or that, at least, has a direct relationship with it.

For example, if you sell vegan products, the blog will talk about the vegan lifestyle and its philosophy, recipes, ingredients, and a wide variety of topics related to this important movement, to attract people interested in the topic.

From there, following the attraction strategy, the content of different levels of depth will be produced.

In this way, it is possible to generate attraction traffic and motivate readers to take specific actions, such as subscribing to a newsletter, providing contact information, or making a purchase.

So, for these texts to generate the traffic they have to be seen, and that’s what SEO is for; so that people who search in Google and other engines, see us.

That’s what marketing is all about, placing ourselves in a place of great visibility so that all those who need our solution know our offer?

That is why we carry out a process called optimization for literary texts to adapt them to the positioning factors.

The need to drill down and rate content

And this is how Copywriting SEO enters the scene, giving more visibility to the content. In practice, the techniques, which are the most varied, position our posts among the first results of a search.

Rather than using keywords with a high number of searches, you need to think in more detail.

For those who want to produce content and feed a solid strategy, it is really important to master the most basic concepts of SEO Copywriting. The reasons for this are clear and can be seen in the SEO Trends 2020 report:

When we talk about numbers, it is possible to notice that there is competition in the search for a space on the first page of the search results. In the midst of so much content, to stand out we have to have more and more quality, regardless of the subject.

There’s room for everyone, but only the best are on top, and in this case, standing out also depends on optimizations for the web.

Therefore, to capture your share of the attention of the target audience, it is essential to know in depth the main SEO Copywriting techniques.

Keep reading that we will tell you about them below!

How to apply SEO Copywriting to your strategy?

Copywriting SEO is a concept based on practices. Therefore, there are a series of techniques designed to produce qualified content for the web.

Each of these guidelines, directly or indirectly, has an impact on the positioning of content and on the way in which the algorithms of search engines recognize it as relevant.

The work is detailed and ranges from the title of your content to the quality of what you present in the publication.

From technical issues to understand how the article will reach your target audience, everything makes a difference to produce content that stands out and is optimized for the web.

Let’s go to the tips!

Invest time in creating the best titles for your posts

Imagine the sequence of actions of a user when searching for content on the Internet. You have a question or curiosity and do a Google search using a few keywords. The results will show the title of that post; it is from there that the interest in your content will begin.

The more attractive the post title, the greater the chances that the user will click to consume the content. Achieving good results is easier if you follow these paths:

Use questions (“How do I get a job in marketing?)

Create lists (“The 10 most nutritious foods for vegans”)

Shows the value of the content (“SEO: see a complete guide on how to optimize pages for search engines”).

Use Meta descriptions

In addition to the title, there is a second category that also helps to identify the user about the relevance of your content: the Meta description.

Did you notice that there is a two-line text below the main title of the content when you view the search results? Besides being important to the user, it is also one of the main positioning parameters.

Therefore, it is essential that all the content you produce for the web have a Meta description. In it, the idea is to use the keyword of the content and give details about the subject of your post.

A good example, using the title “How to get a job in the Marketing area?” Would read like this: “The dream of living and working in what we like is possible. Discover all the steps to obtain the position of your dreams”.

Create really relevant content

As much as there are SEO tips and other details that help create accurate content for the web, in terms of driving traffic, quality should be the priority.

A text written with good techniques is able to attract a reader, but if it does not have a good literary style and consistent content, it will be difficult to get the commitment of the public.

In practice, content without quality generates a decrease in the time spent on the page and, consequently, damages our positioning, since this is a metric considered by the algorithms to know if your content pleases the audience.

Therefore, the focus should be on producing posts that are relevant, that comply with what the title promises, and, above all, that have quality in their style and in the information they provide.

Learn to explore the keyword naturally

Many content producers end up impoverishing their work when they are overly attached to the need to comply with keyword insertion. They are very relevant, but they cannot become an obsession.

When they are repeated in an exaggerated way, without flowing naturally or organically, they produce a negative feeling.

This is where the literary style is essential so that the reader does not even perceive that there is an intention to highlight a certain term.

In addition to this naturalness, it is also important to use the types of long-tail and head-tail keywords according to the most searched terms. This will make the difference when choosing the ideal keyword to give visibility and traffic to your content.

Your texts must be “scannable”

Scannability is a concept that has the function of facilitating the reading of texts on the web.

It facilitates its reception and satisfies another very specific need: online content readers have more specific requirements, which requires adaptation when producing content.

Therefore, the production of content that follows this concept is the guarantee that there will be engaged when the user captured in the traffic feels satisfied and reads the post in its entirety.

To increase scannability, we advise you to follow the following tips:

  • use bullets when listing articles
  • never extrapolate 4 lines in a paragraph
  • use subtitles with smaller headings
  • align text to the left
  • Defines the size of the content according to the level of information offered to the user.

Use latent semantic indexing

Google, in an attempt to deliver even more accurate content to search engines, implemented latent semantic indexing in its algorithms. This means that it can identify directly related terms or synonyms for the keywords you use.

In addition, there are other variations that Google considers, for example, there are small changes in gender, number, adjectives, verbs, among others.

For this reason, we recommend that you always be aware of the semantic coherence of the variations you make of the chosen keyword. This will help you reduce excessive repetition, as well as better classify your content on the web.

Generate interest with your CTA

If you know that CTA is an abbreviation for Call to Action, you can imagine why it is important to generate interest and arouse curiosity when using this trigger.

If the idea is to motivate the reader to do something, naturally, this CTA should be:

  • interesting;
  • motivating;
  • Anticipate delivery of something of value to the user.

To do this, there are several SEO techniques that go far beyond writing, with a set of colors, highlighted buttons, among others.

Now when it comes to SEO Copywriting, it’s easy to use questions and other techniques to request this action.

Suppose the idea is to offer to download an e-book. A good CTA could be:

Copywriting SEO is the implementation of this principle, showing how it is necessary to write in a qualified way for the target audience, but also in a way optimized for the web.

Only through this practice will it be possible to find that reader accurately and then generate value for it.

When you only look at the optimization part, the content loses quality, sounds artificial, is not interesting, and is forced at some points.

It is essential to take charge of seeking excellence in our communication with readers since SEO Copywriting will be in charge of providing us with good positions to find them.

What mistakes should we avoid?

If the advice of the SEO Copywriting application is important, it is also essential to point out some errors in the production of web content that can harm our strategy.

Among the main ones, whether in optimization or in content writing, are these:

  • impair the understanding of the text just to fit a keyword;
  • using only Head Tail or Long Tail keywords without knowing how to combine them;
  • do cursory keyword research;
  • produce content without thinking about the perspective of the mariner when reading the publication;
  • not staying true to what was promised in the content title;
  • generate content only thinking about keywords, but without planning the work on how it can be developed to generate engagement;
  • Not update us on SEO trends and new ranking parameters of Google algorithms.

Continuous work to increase traffic to blogs is a basic necessity for any Content Marketing strategy. It is always possible to optimize our publications so that they are positioned better, and SEO Copywriting is one of the ways to achieve better and better results.

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