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There’s no shortage of specialized keyword research tools (hundreds of them), and they range from beginner-friendly to advanced. It also goes from simple and useless to great value.

When done right, the best search tools make your job more straightforward—they make it easy to find keywords such as customer upload files for WooCommerce to rank by giving you the data you need to tune them. But they shouldn’t require you to give up your bank account and sell your first child to get this information.

After years of working with many clients using a variety of keyword research and content SEO tools, I’ve seen the best (and worst) of them – and I know the importance of choosing the right word processing tool. To help, I’ve reviewed over 60 free keyword research tools. After extensive testing, these are the top three, including general applications and applications developed for specific use cases.

#1. Google Trends

Google Trends is a free data analysis tool that can be used to research and analyze real-time and historical search trends. You can see what’s trending worldwide based on sample data and Google research.

Concept and content planning, audience understanding, creating seasonal advertising campaigns, and more. Google Trends can also help you spot new trends and know when the trend is fading.

Google Trends uses the first unsorted samples of accurate Google data. This data is anonymized, classified, and sorted by topic, region, and period so that you can search for up-to-date and accurate information.

You can use Google Trends to find the specific information you need, explore more general topics, and get new ideas. To get an idea of ​​the topics people are searching for right now, check out the latest Popularity. If you have a specific search topic, type it into the search bar and start searching.

Click “Compare” to see multiple keywords at once. This can help you analyze your audience’s interests in related topics and how those interests change over time in different regions. You can use this information to decide what to focus on in your content and market research.

With related questions, you can generate new ideas related to your main topics related to the region you want to focus on. It can develop new ideas for your content and marketing strategy and help set the tone for your keyword research.

You can also analyze and compare interest in a topic by country. You can use this to find new people worldwide or make sure you create content relevant to your target region. Google Trends is free, making it a great additional resource for research or brainstorming.

#2. Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a keyword research tool offering keyword suggestions from over 15 popular devices. This SEO tool is a free Firefox and Chrome add-on that you can add to your browser. The same team behind Keyword Keg created it.

The data is collected from popular data analysis tools such as Uber Advisor, Public Answers, Google Search, Google Analytics, Search Console, and Moz Open Site Explorer. Provide basic but essential information – the number of keyword searches and cost per click. Export data to PDF, Excel, and CSV files.

Keyword anything is free and has limited features. The virtual model uses a pay-as-you-go model. You can buy 100,000 credits (1 credit = 1 keyword research) for only $10.

#3. SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool

Keyword Magic Tool offers a global database of over 20 billion keywords. It has a powerful indexing system can sort keywords by topic, search intent, query type, SERP features, and more. It also includes complex issues and competitive measures.

In addition, SEMrush released a major search algorithm update in March 2022 to help you stick to your SEO strategy. You can do everything from software ideas to optimization. The Keyword Magic Tool, with its extensive keyword database and semantic filters, is ideal for keyword research.

Use filters to identify new opportunities and equip your content team with the SEO knowledge to create content that will rock the SERPs. SEMrush has the most comprehensive database on the market. It includes over 20 billion keywords in over 140 international databases, showcasing an unlimited number of ideas.

Like most keyword research tools, Keyword Magic Tool starts with a keyword first. A keyword is a word or short phrase that represents your main topic. Let’s say you run a travel agency and you want to write about a vacation in the tropics. You must type “tropical vacation” in the search bar and select the record you want to generate thousands of offers. In this example, we have used the US.

Want to narrow down your search? No problem. You can filter by language, search volume, keyword, intent, and CPC.

Choose the options you like, and your search will automatically narrow down according to your new criteria. You can also narrow the results to include popular keywords or recurring words.

If you’re using the free version, you can ask ten daily questions, including domain and keyword analytics questions. If you upgrade to a Pro account for $119.95/month, you can search 100 times per hour and run 3,000 reports every day.

Final Thought

Features that make it a great keyword research tool are effortless:

Data included best search tools will give you all the data you need to rank for your chosen keyword. All programs we have selected include, at a minimum, traffic, difficulty, and search competition in the SERPs.

  • Data sources

You need to ensure that your information is free of errors and bias, so an essential step for us is to consider where to get information from each keyword research tool. Each tool we include pulls data from at least Google Analytics or Google Search Console.

  • Keyword optimization guidance

You don’t have to be a 10-year SEO industry veteran to use keyword research tools – the best tools offer simple, straightforward recommendations that work best for your keywords.

  • Free plan allowances and upgrades

Some tools include minimal results for free and are called a “free plan.” Or they limit the free plan to time, which translates well into an example. We’ve only included tools with free hosting plans that are generous enough to work, and they won’t break the bank when it comes time to improve.

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