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We want to admit right away that since We acquired iOS Apple technology, We have not the slightest desire to return to either Windows or Android.

Work speed

IOS works much faster compared to the technology with more powerful parameters, but the Android system. Plus, iOS doesn’t freeze. From the word in general – for all the time my already old iPhone 5c had to be rebooted only three times. What other gadgets work quickly and powerfully, you can look at Best Mobil, and we will continue talking about IOS.


Catching a virus on IOS is very problematic. And on Android, on the contrary, it is very easy, in my opinion, for this, it is enough just to go online. For all the time I worked with MacBook and iPhone, I did not catch a single virus and I did not need a single reinstallation of the system.

In iOS, you can easily adjust the access of each application to specific options – location, camera, and microphone. For an ordinary Android user, a normal situation is when a simple game from a series of naval combat or solitaire knows your exact location and reads information from a microphone, camera, and other systems. This is not only the reason for extra nerves for suspicious people but also a serious load of RAM and the reasons for the constant inhibition of the apparatus.

Another aspect of security is protection against theft of both data and the device itself. And IOS is again in a serious detachment from the green man.

Application work

IOS applications are much better. The reason is that placement in the Apple store is paid, and therefore much less garbage and imperfections get there. And although Android adherents will say that everything is for money in iPhone, I note that most applications can be downloaded for free, with the possibility of free use. This applies to apps of all categories – games, pedometers, fitness apps, and more.

And one more thing: if we compare even the same applications for the iPhone and for Android, then the version for the iPhone will always be of better quality.

And most applications come out first for iPhones and iPads. And only then a version for Android appears. A banal example is such a popular application as Instagram, which existed only in the iPhone version for more than a year and only a year later released the Android version. The reason is the quality of development tools for IOS. Apple has created all the conditions for the convenience of application developers and provided a fairly wide audience with the most active users.

Support and updates

IOS updates faster. A banal example – the version of Android 5.0 announced last year is still “in standby mode”. It doesn’t take long to wait for an IOS update. The new version is released regularly, on a pre-announced date, and is immediately available to all users.

The same thing happened with the iPhone 3GS – this model had the opportunity to update until the sixth IOS was released. But Android does not have such long-term support for older versions of mobile phones. After all, Android technology is produced by most of the world’s manufacturers of phones and tablets. IOS was created specifically for users of Apple technology.

Successful people prefer Apple. And it’s not just the fashion or the status of the thing. The point is that convenience, quality, and prestige are closely related. No matter how they advertise their equipment at Apple, without excellent quality, without the convenience of the interface, they would not buy it. No matter how stylish it looks and how cool it would not be positioned by marketers.

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