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Decades ago, for a small or medium-sized company to compete in some environment or aspect with large organizations and corporations was considered a utopia, but today it is a reality thanks to SEO Services for SMEs.

Through this set of optimization and positioning techniques, companies of modest size have a real possibility of aspiring to a privileged exposure in the web environment and to the top positions of the “almighty” of search engines: Google.

Precisely, in this material, we will show you what are those SEO techniques and tactics for SMEs that will allow your brand to obtain membership in the select club of the best valued by this search engine.

But, first, we will analyze some concrete reasons why you need to carry out an SEO Services strategy for SMEs.

Advantages of an SEO strategy for SMEs

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a source of favorable and sustainable results for small and medium-sized companies while investing efforts, time, and resources in this are highly profitable and convenient.

Specifically, SEO for SMEs provides advantages such as:

Low running costs

The strategic management of keywords, the originality of the content, and many other fundamental elements of SEO Services, which you will learn about later, are purely organic.

In this way, you will be able to obtain gigantic results at a much lower cost than that of traditional advertising and Google ads, which also do not guarantee sustainable and long-term results, but immediate, but temporary benefits.

Long-term relevant presence

Since we are talking about sustainability, we cannot leave out this great benefit.

If you manage to position your content organically, it will remain at the top of the Internet and Google in the long term, as long as you update and monitor it frequently, betting on business opportunities and good results constantly.

Building a loyal audience

SEO for SMEs will be able to position your brand at the top of Google, that universe in which around 3 billion daily searches are carried out. Without a doubt, this means amazing digital exposure and visibility.

In this way, your company will become much more known and, also, thanks to valuable content and other keys of organic attraction, it will build a large audience around it.

Organic authority

The organic authority is characterized by resisting the passage of time, that is, being sustainable, while providing business opportunities much more prone to success.

In addition, being in the first position in Google for a keyword is the clearest way to show the world that you are the best answer to user questions, which transmits a lot of credibility in a digitization process.

Qualified traffic

Yes, organic traffic is also a great possibility to generate qualified traffic.

By not attracting users through elements and content that really interest them, they will be much more likely to make positive decisions at the time of sales closing.

The great advantage of SEO Services is that it provides tools for each company to attract to its website the users who have the most chances of becoming customers because it is based on the production of relevant content within the context of a market.

For example, if you have a car insurance company, you will not produce materials about sports, because the users that will reach you will not be compatible with the profile of your ideal client, represented by a Buyer Persona.

The SEO guide for SMBs: best practices and key factors
Yes now! Without further ado, here is a list of the keys and fundamental practices to boost your SEO Company strategy for SMEs.

1.Create a fast, logical, secure, and optimized website

A company without a website practically does not exist today.

In addition, even if it does, if it is not of quality, it will still not exist, as it will not be relevant to the user and will not generate business opportunities through this powerful channel.

Besides, from the specific point of positioning, a solid website is essential for Google’s algorithms to make a good assessment and, consequently, give your brand the coveted key of SERPs.

For example, the algorithms take into account technical aspects such as the loading speed of the pages to rank, in order to offer the best to Google users.

And it is of no use for a site to have interesting and relevant information if it will take so long to display the content that the user will simply run away.

In the case of loading speed, it depends on the quality of hosting service and technical actions of Web Performance Optimization (WPO), such as deactivating plugins that have not been used.

On the other hand, it is important that your website has a logical structure, which guarantees an optimal experience on the page, marked by intuitiveness and visual appeal.

You should even make your website intuitive for Google robots, including a Sitemap, which technically shows how it is structured and facilitates the identification of relevant pages.

These adjustments can be made by the Google Search Console tool, which you will use to review and analyze the appearance of your pages in the search engine.

2.Keep the site free of broken pages and links

Broken pages and links will undoubtedly damage the user experience when browsing your company’s website.

To prevent this from happening, analyze your website through solutions such as the SEMrush Site Audit or the Google Search Console coverage report.

In the case of this tool, you will simply have to enter your domain and it will show you all the links or broken pages it contains so that you can solve the problems immediately, through reinstallation and redirection actions.

3.Optimize each web page

Also, make sure that each one has an SEO optimizations, which allow them to rank favorably on Google.

Among the key optimizations of SEO On Page is to place meta descriptions, which are small descriptions of the content of the site, which search engines show in their results lists.

4.Choose a hosting and CMS optimized for SEO

Technical SEO Services’ actions are essential for the positioning and general effectiveness of the strategy.

In this sense, it is important that you choose both a hosting and a content manager (CMS) optimized for SEO.

Part of the loading speed and other key elements to ensure a good experience depends on the quality of the hosting service, which we mentioned earlier.

On the other hand, a CMS optimized for SEO, based on high-performance WordPress themes like Bennington, will give you advantages such as greater flexibility in designs and adaptability to mobile device formats, such as smartphones and tablets.

In addition, Content Marketing and SEO Services in a CMS based on Word Press is developed more easily, since the manager will offer powerful functionalities at the same time that it will provide practicality and agility.

5.Create a relevant and optimized blog

A blog, nurtured with the best techniques and practices of Content Marketing, is a central element in an SEO Company strategy, which will provide positioning and organic traffic, as well as commercial contacts and business opportunities.

The management and development of your blog must be aligned with solid Keyword Research, which allows you to build a list of relevant keywords for your target audience, which helps you plan content and think about your approach.

For this, you must first study the behavior of the user in search engines and the Internet in general, as well as use specialized tools in search of keywords.

6.Try to a position in featured snippets

A good SEO company strategy for SMEs is ambitious, and when we include ambition and SEO Services in the same sentence, we must talk about featured snippets or featured snippets.

It is the Holy Grail of search engine optimization, that achievement that makes all efforts and actions worthwhile.

Have you seen the prominent reply boxes that appear at the top of Google’s SERPs? Those are the featured snippets!

When you reach them, your content will be at the top and you will take 8% on average of user clicks, which you probably would not get if you were in the 4th or 5th position of the results page.

Aiming for this great achievement is what will allow you to maintain focus and not leave out any edge of SEO, from good Keyword Research to specific actions such as the correct structuring of the paragraphs, originality, and the strategic development of content with different extensions.

7.Incorporate Schema Markup Parameters

Setting these parameters to your web pages will help your pages to stand out in Google and improve your CTR ( click-through rate ).

This code inserted into the HTML, which works as a tag vocabulary, allows Google to understand what the user will find on the site and, therefore, to give it a good position if it values ​​it as relevant.

In addition, the pages that have a Schema Markup code incorporated into the content appear prominently in the Google ranking, from the rich fragments they generate. There are many types and we now show you the price one, which is ideal for e-commerce websites.

8.Perform local SEO actions

From a financial point of view, local SEO Services is a highly profitable set of actions, since it attracts those close consumers, who are much more likely to buy when they value proximity.

Among the things, you must do to take advantage of local business opportunities in managing your online presence on Google with Google My Business.

That way you will be much more visible to potential customers of the town where your business is located, appearing on Google Maps with your offers.

9.Get brand mentions, external links, and reviews

If you tell Google that your site is authoritative and relevant, the lord and lord of search engines will listen to you.

But, if others say that your website and its pages and content really are of quality and respond to the user’s concerns, the message to Google is even more powerful, and its algorithms could give you a privileged position.

In fact, the quantity and quality of backlinks a website receives are one of the main factors Google takes into account to define who will be at the top of its rankings.

For that reason, focus on getting links from external pages, as well as mentions of your brand in general.

10.In general, take advantage of opportunities that the competition has not explored

Competitive analysis is a fundamental aspect of Digital Marketing and SEO for SMEs is no stranger to this.

A good cost of search engine optimization strategy also involves analyzing what the competition is doing, in order to identify platforms, keywords, areas, and actions that it has not explored.


Ready! You already know what are the advantages of SEO Services for SMEs and what are the key aspects to put it into practice.

In general, we can conclude that to boost the digital visibility of your brand and its positioning in Google, you must combine technical actions, such as those contemplated in the WPO, and organic attraction practices of Inbound Marketing, such as the dissemination of valuable and optimized content for users and search engines.

One Comment

  • Avatar Tribe D says:

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