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What should any business owner start with when choosing a promotion method?

That’s right, with the definition of your target audience.

Do not waste your advertising budget, focusing on the success of competitors or colleagues. Your potential customers may be completely different from them; an analysis is necessary. You can do this in the form of text, in the form of a table or diagram, or you can create a mudboard for your target audience. Any of the methods answer the questions:

  • Where does your potential client live?
  • What is his education and field of activity?
  • What are his values?
  • What are his needs for information, and what methods of obtaining he chooses?
  • How does he behave when buying? Who influences his decision?
  • What are his interests, habits, hobbies?

Most likely, you just thought: “Am I a detective or a killer? Where will I get all this information? ”

Let’s call you a scout or portrait painter. That’s better, right? 🙂

When you can give answers to all these questions and describe in detail your potential client, then you can easily choose the way to promote your product or service.

There are a lot of tools for promotion by 2020. Some social networks are worth it! And in each of them sits a completely different audience, with their own interests and needs.

For example, on Facebook – an adult business audience, it is best to promote a B2B (business-to-business) product / service. The presence of your company on Instagram increases its image in the eyes of the consumer, because it is the most popular network. If you are not on Instagram, then you are not at all! It is best to promote B2C (business-to-consumer) services there. If you think that Odnoklassniki or Twitter is already “off topic”, then perhaps you are losing your share of customers in these social networks.

We advise you to conduct an analysis of the audience, even if you have already done it! Describe it in more detail, including even the most minor details. They will be able to help you understand your audience even better.

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